Its pretty hot these days. And hot weather in humid climate leads to lots of sweat. Perspiration leads to a sticky body attracting dirt and grime. Sweat itself leaves an odour when it dries up.
So one has to be careful how one smells and to herself and to others! Apart from smelling good, internal hygiene is also important (whether in summer or winter or any season for that matter!)
A female is an entire package. It doesn't only matter how you dress up externally. What is important is how attractive you are as a package deal. Women are required to be beautiful. That is the basic nature of a female. Beautiful as a person. Soft spoken and kind hearted. Like they say- Sugar and spice and all that's nice. And nice includes being clean and sweet smelling and pleasant to the eyes as well.
Everyone wants to wear light cotton clothes in summer. Its a good idea! But stick to light coloured cotton clothes unless are going for a special occasion and need to wear synthetic clothes.
Night Gown fixation for home wear (avoid, yaar!)
At home many females prefer to don cotton nighties (night gown) because they are hassle free and save you from the summer and kitchen heat. My personal preference is to avoid wearing night gowns even if u're at home. Wear it at night and stretch it till you've had breakfast at the most. Then bathe and change into something refreshing. Like a cotton salwar suit. Or cotton trousers
and T shirt.

But if you still feel that a gown is more comfy for you, then choose a good one, for your family's (mainly, husband's sake). Many Indian women look at nighties like an engineer's blue body- jacket, in which they can work and also wipe their dirty hands on. Hence, choose the darkest and dirtiest colours much to the disappointment of their spouses. I've been to lingerie shops and seen some women opting for dirty coloured cotton gowns most probably thinking its a nice thing to work in the kitchen in. All this while their men were hoping they'd select something 'stylish or sexy'. So please try to keep night gowns a night affair and go for an apron to wear over your clothes in the kitchen. Or choose pretty cotton gowns in stylish designs and cute colours making you look and feel like a woman and very feminine. Go for ones with laces and flowers and dors (tying threads). Don't wear dirty coloured night gowns driving your own family and spouse away from you.
Be elegant even at Home
Dressing at home does not mean that you can wear some old salwar of one dress and a khameez of another and dupatta of some other! Yuck! Be dignified and look smart whether in home or office. Whether working in kitchen or on the computer. Elegance is very important. And men like it. Be well dressed at all times. Wear the right matching clothes. Stitch clothes especially for home wear, if you have to, instead of wearing clothes which have either been worn or torn out.
This also serves a dual purpose. You don't have to run here and there searching for decent clothes if someone knocks at your door!
Don't avoid bathing, especially in Summer. If you've had a bath in the morning and been out in the sun and feel sweaty and dirty again, have a mini bath again. Or at least wash your entire hands, legs, face with soap. And wipe your armpits with water and clean them. And go for change of clothing.
Also take care of your head. Everytime you bathe, bathe your head too! Many women feel that bathing again and again over your hair will spoil it. It's not so. Indian climate requires it. Else your head starts to smell odd. And remember, you will be travelling by a local train and someone might be standing close behind you. Keeping your head clean also keeps away the lice! Those whose heads are always cleaned and washed, have lice-free hair. Even if by chance, you happen to get some through others, they won't survive in clean hair and scalp!
And like you bathe yourself, bathe your clothes (I mean, wash 'em) too! And please please please do not re-wear once worn clothes again. Our weather and climate do not support it. Many have the habit of wearing something for a whole day at office, then keeping it away for another wear or more before they wash it! Result - smelly armpits and clothes! And people want to run away from you! No amount of perfume or talc can help! If you've worn it for an hour or two and want to wear it for another short wear, its different. But then ensure that after the first wear, the clothes are kept to dry in the sun. Such kind of hygiene will save you from a lot of skin diseases too! Of course, clothes like jeans and codroys, long flowing skirts can be worn for a few wears before wash because while jeans and codroys are of thick absorbing material, long flowing skirts do not directly touch your body.
After a bath, you feel fresh and your skin breathes. Thats the time the dirt over your cells have been cleared and your skin feels good too. Its the time when your skin easily absorbs the body lotions and creams you treat it to.
Use an after shower spray if you can. Spray on your underarms. Then lightly all over you. They make you feel and smell good. Let it dry. If you have the time, use a body lotion on your hands, legs and breasts. And then dabble sweet and mild fragrant talc over you to soak up the oily cream/ lotion.
Avoid deos directly on your body. Though they are meant for your body, they harm your skin in the long run. If you have to use one, go for a reputed brand. We generally tend to buy them coz they're cheap. Yes, they are. For your skin. They can darken your underarms too. Also stay away from deo sticks. Even skin specialists will not recommend them. Excessive usage of deo sticks can lead to lumps or tumors too.
So stick to good shower sprays, if you can afford them. Else use good smelling talcum powder. Best is Johnson Baby powder. Of all the Indian brands I've researched, I haven't come across a really good smelling talc. Even the foreign brands launched in India don't smell as good as their counterparts in other countries. You can check the difference by buying the same talc, same fragrance, same brand- one imported and one their launch for the Indian market. So, baby powders are a safe bet. I knew of the brands Cuticura and Emami of my schooldays. I liked their fragrance, but hardly see them now.
After you don your clothes and intend to step out, then apply a good perfume. Here again don't wear too strong perfumes, scaring others away from you.
Undergarments are as important as your clothes. Keep many in stock. And choose good and pleasant designs and colours. Don't try to save money by avoiding buying panties and bras. We don't think twice before blowing money in eating junk and paying lots of money in m
ultiplexes and even paying double for food there. But generally keep only two or three pairs of panties. Don't be a 'kanjoos' where hygiene is concerned. Keep several panties and don't forget to change everyday. And with every bath. If required, you can change 'em twice even, you've been in sweaty weather.

Also do not forget to throw them away at the right time. Do a scrutiny of your underclothes every 2-3 months and throw away stuff which is worn out. Don't wait for too much wear and tear. Else, you might attract skin rashes and diseases.
Remember- Cleanliness is next to Godliness and all religions also preach 'purity'.
Be clean and smell sweet. In summer and all through the year.
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