One of my female colleagues was so frustrated with the daily long work hours, no time for personal life that she was saying the life was better for women in olden times, when so much was not expected from them. Now people expect her to earn well as well as maintain social and family relations and look after family and home. She thinks of quitting her job and enjoying life also. But she and her sister are the only earning members in a family of three, which includes her Mom. Her father's no more. But even if that weren't the case, she couldn't have left the job because in today's age everyone wants a working wife. And if that weren't enough, they expect her to be a good homemaker who looks after the house, the kids and who's a wonderful cook! How she manages everything is her own lookout!!!
My colleague is right. Mumbai is full of career women. You see everyone putting in the same time and effort (sometimes more) than a man! Your heart goes out to the women who brave their way through a crowded train even through pregnancy, so as to reach office in time! Gone are the days when women were given concession in time at the workplace. And worse are the operations side in private banks and some MNCs. The Ladies Compartment is sufficiently occupied even after 10 pm!
Working in the operations side of banking, I have to think twice before.....
.... picking a personal call
.... having to make an important personal call
.... before going for lunch/ tea ('has someone else from my team gone'? or 'gotta complete this task first' are things that come to your mind... and if that's not all... an official call comes thru!)
.... having to attend social functions ('have to skip this wedding.... leaving early will not be possible'.... banking activities cannot be put forth to the next day, you're dealing with someone else's money after all!)
.... can't keep track of my bill payments - mobile, credit card etc (so I've put all on direct debit and finally automatically linked them to my account... else's I'll have recovery agents running after me only for forgetting to pay!)
But at the end of it, when you reach home, you're still the girl /woman/ wife! Resting or relaxing is not your privilege! You might get a little concession, but mind you, only little! Finally only the men of the house - your husband/ brother etc will have the right to put up their legs and relax. On Sundays, you can't plan to chill out or sleep through the day as coolly as a man can! You will have to think of cleaning, cooking etc. So on a Monday morning, you arrive to work a little more tired than relaxed.... and the circle continues....
Now since I am living with my parents and not yet married, I have some privileges. At least I don't have to bother about household work on week days since I work. Even if I reach home at 10 pm or later, I get home food cooked by Mom. But this week, when she and Dad were not at home (they were at our native place to attend a cousin's wedding), I was wondering who will cook for me if I were to marry and settle down. Who will pamper me like my Mom? We (my sister, me and brother) were managing on noodles, omlette, bread, cornflakes and ordered food. But yesterday, when I reached home quite late, I was too tired to make even instant noodles or an omlette!
Life's not easy for women now! Its more difficult than before. Now you gotta be working, smart in apperance, well-maintained, be a good homemaker, a bread-earner, a good wife, a good mother and be back in shape after motherhood! Society...esp Men's expectations are rising! Men notice even minor things like 'whether you've shaped your eyebrows or not' and they'll be the first to notice that you've had a facial !!!
Best profession for women who want to have a career as well as have a ample time for self and family is Teaching or having your own independent business ! But teacher/ professor is still the best option after all. Who else can enjoy so many leaves in a year, including convenient timings?
"I was wondering who will cook for me if I were to marry and settle down. Who will pamper me like my Mom? We (my sister, me and brother) were managing on noodles, omlette, bread, cornflakes and ordered food. But yesterday, when I reached home quite late, I was too tired to make even instant noodles or an omlette!"
I cook for you!...
So sweet of you, uno!
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