Came across this one in a mail in office... nice one to share with all
The Woman in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;
Who is earning almost as much as you do;
One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have because she is as human as you are;
One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your Sister haven't,
as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that
Gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements
One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as,
Much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;
One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that, her home, people who,
Love her, to adopt your home, your family, your ways and even your family Name
One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1,
while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen
One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more, and yet never ever expected to complain;
to be a servant, a cook, a mother, a wife, even if she doesn't want to;
and is learning just like you are as to what you want from her;
and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won't like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you;
One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes boys and even men at her workplace too, those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy,
Unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;
Yes, she can drink and dance just as well as you can, but won't, simply
Because you won't like it, even though you say otherwise
One, who can be late from work once in a while when deadlines, just like Yours are to be met;
One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important Relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her some And trust her;
One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house - your unstinted support, your sensitivities and most importantly - your understanding, or love, if you may call it.
But not many guys understand this...
Well... Give it a thought now!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Want Space? Take it !
Dedicated to all the men who need SPACE :
Wife bought a present for husband's birthday.
He opened it and said - What the fuck will I do with a Rocket?
Wife : U wanted SPACE.... now sit on it and fuck off!
Wife bought a present for husband's birthday.
He opened it and said - What the fuck will I do with a Rocket?
Wife : U wanted SPACE.... now sit on it and fuck off!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Goodlooking + Nice? Naah!
Had gone to watch 'Namaste London' with my sister and learnt this new funda from her while we were talking:
Goodlooking guys aren't nice,
Nice guys aren't goodlooking,
Goodlooking nice guys are gays!
I am beginning to believe this is true now! No wonder its difficult to find good guys these days
Goodlooking guys aren't nice,
Nice guys aren't goodlooking,
Goodlooking nice guys are gays!
I am beginning to believe this is true now! No wonder its difficult to find good guys these days
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Being Beautiful isn't easy!

'Will you come into my parlour?'- said the spider to the fly. Some flashback of a nursery rhyme coming into my head as I am about to write about my trip to the parlour yesterday. And just like the invitation of the spider is lucrative yet cunning, so is the trip to a beauty parlour!
After the renovation work at home, I noticed that my skin needed pampering. And Saturday was a Bank holiday too! Thanks to Dr Ambedkar!
So I rushed where men fear to tread- the Ladies Beauty Parlour!
'Tis the only place where you can shed your clothes and get into a skimpy slip/ towel and announce 'I am ready' without shame!
'Tis the only place where a woman feels pampered and can be her natural self away from men's prying eyes! Though women themselves can get inquisitive about other women's underclothes, which is very funny!
You feel like a queen inside a parlour as 2-3 people attend to you all at once! One is attending to your legs, one your hands and one- your face! But then as the swish-swash begins with wax being applied and removed without emotion, then you want to scream but have to keep your moans limited to small whispers and chokes! Worst is when hand and leg waxing is being done at once by two people, that time you don't know which pain you are reacting to!
You feel most relaxed during a facial massage though! But just when you're feeling good and about to fall asleep, you are woken up with mini slaps on your shouders and back! Then you're subjected to steam, after which your nose and chin are pricked in the name of 'blackheads'! You half choke as someone holds our nose and gets working on the pores there! Grr! When that's done, you look and feel like a mess with a wet face-pack on you! As you are trying to see whats happening around you, two wet cotton pads come on your eyes and you go blind! Then you're left alone as the pack dries with no clue of wats happening around you! It seems a long time as you lie there clueless till your face-pack/mask dries and someone comes at last to rescue you and wash it off!
Best feeling is during a manicure and pedicure. But all parlours aren't good at it. You need a really good parlour to really pamper your palms and feet.
Threading is another thing which takes your breath away! It is as harsh as waxing! But thread you must to get your eyebrows in shape! You're asked to hold from here, there stretching your facial skin so that the beautician gets a grip of your eyebrow hair before she pulls it off! You twitch but the thought of looking beautiful keeps you sane!
Finally 2-3 hours later, you're done! Whatta relief! You pay the big bucks and get out feeling and looking great till your next trip! It feels worth the torture and pain!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Keep watching this Space!

Hey, cool poster for my girlie page. I had actually thought of keeping the name of this page- 'Shaggie's Corner'. But then decided against it. This pet name has stuck to me since school. And still goes with me, having entered office also! Shagufta is a bit difficult to digest, na? And Shaggie gels well with my warm girl-next-door image too! ;-) It was okay when I was younger. In fact, in between I'd even tried to get rid of that word. To wipe it out! But somehow it just sticks to me like gum!
Earlier it was just my very close pals. Now it has spread in office. The more I try to snap it off, the more it comes to me with full force! As I kept achieving seniority in office, I tried to cut out my extra smiles and bring a grim professional look on my face. But when I am in my element, my bubbly side pops up! When the work pressure of the day subsides a bit, my jokes, one-liners and songs keep popping out of me in sudden swings! And then Shaggie seems a proper tag! I tried to keep it away from the new juniors in our team, but they picked up from the old ones! Funniest is when some address me as 'Shaggie Ji' now. Thats kinda wierd!
I am the only one whom people will officially address as 'Shaggie' ( who've known me well!) on office mails. Though I try to revert back with a reminder not to use the same on official emails. Otherwise my kids in Trade Finance branches across North, East and West will skip from 'Ma'am' to 'Shaggie Ma'am'. And I wouldn't want that of course! Lately I've been trying to project a stricter image but with warmth and humour (Cannot loose that quality) and I am liking this respect of being 'Ma'am' or 'Shagufta Ma'am' by all the bacchas from other locations. But my own people will always call me Shaggie. To wipe it out completely, I will have to go to a totally new place where there is no one who knows of this name. But now thru this blog even the others know!
But what I wouldn't mind hearing sometime in my life is someone calling me- 'Shaggie Mom'! (getting senti now)
As for my page, keep watching it for girlie stuff. Work timings keep me occupied. Else my mind is brimming with girlie articles and secrets! I've rightly called this page 'Girlie Gupshup'!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
We make them Cry

'We make them cry who care for us
And cry for them who will never care.
For the one who truly cares
Will never make us cry.'
Yes, how true. But people run after false dreams and often after people who hurt us and make us cry. And in the bargain we often fail to notice the people who will cry or get hurt for us. Love is a strange thing. We ignore the ones who love us and run after those whom we love even though the one we love might not love us in return. But why so? Because the thought of getting something which is hard-to-get often excites us. Finally we all fall into the trap of hurting one another forming a big circle of pain and sorrow! Then we complain that there is nothing called love.
Sometimes when a certain door of life closes on us, we waste a lot of time sulking about it. And in the bargain miss to notice the other door which has opened for us. This door might be full of happiness and love that we always desired. But blinded in sorrow and too much sulking, we realise of the door much too late. Many times, after it has already closed !
Its better to love and marry the people who love us rather than those whom we love. I also choose to marry the one who loves me rather than someone whom I love and who never cares.
If all of us, return love for love selflessly, then the world would be full of love and happiness. Or am I talking of an Utopian world?
Friday, April 6, 2007
Hidden beneath the dust

For those who are waiting for the posts on this blog (I wonder if anyone even visits it!), the girl in me is covered in dust and grime due to renovation work in our house! So, she's partly asleep! She's still in the philosophical mood and running with a mop and duster as soon as the labourers leave after the flooring, tile etc work for the day! And after she's sure no more dust will be flying and spoiling her skin (its getting darker with cement, seems like!) and hair, she goes and bathes! Feeling fresh now!
Just two more days... one of the bedrooms is a makeshift kitchen now! Many things are in a mess... things, utensils... everything. After all this work is over, I am going to indulge myself to a good facial, hair spa and lotsa pampering ! Hmm...
Many things around me seem to be in a mess, but all in preparation for a new look and a change for the better. My house, Mira Road station. The latter is preparing for 4 railway tracks. All the stalls outside have been broken, the stairs have been temporarily shifted. For the two extra railway lines, which has been a dream for the people living beyond Borivli. This dream became my own also when we shifted here 4 years back! The 31st March, 2007 deadline for work completion is over and with court extending the deadline to 30th June, 2007 now, work is now going on in full force! The new railway bridge is underway, the new ticket office.... it's going to be neat going by the look of things. But as of now, with the todh-fod, all's in a mess. Not to forget the Mega-Block since 2nd April, 2007! With work in full swing and trains being cancelled (as it is they are few), people living beyond Borivli are facing a problem commuting. The non-risk taking people (like me), end up leaving train after train, else go by auto rickshaw to Borivali (which is quite expensive at Rs 80 per day). But real estates rates in Mira Road have already started soaring. For those who thought, Mira Road was down-market and 'not happening' are repenting now! Its the best place beyond Borivali and the crowd seems increasing by the day!
But to see a new look, you have to go thru mess. Life's like that too if you think about it! I am waiting for happiness too after all the pain in Life! I've already changed the look of my blog - JOURNEYING THRU LIFE! Hope it brings all things positive for me!
The girl in me wants to sing, dance, be happy, loved and cared for!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
A ha !

Hmm... Finally my own space! Away from prying eyes!
Created this separate blog because I wanted to be myself. A true Gemini. A geminian is not one but several people at a time. And my Blog - MY JOURNEY - Showed the serious, sensible and philosophical side of me.
I had many things to speak of like a girl- which I felt restricted from on my blog: . I felt trapped there in one mould, hence this new blog!
Through GIRLIE GUPSHUP, I hope to celebrate the girl in me!
Of course, Life is Tough and everything, but why let that affect you ? I am a cockroach and I can survive.... Like a lizard grows back it's cut tail, life is about growing out of your tensions and being yourself! Its about smiling and being a little girlie.
Kudos to Shagufta, the self-psychiatrist who treats her own failures to emerge a winner inspite of pains!
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