'Will you come into my parlour?'- said the spider to the fly. Some flashback of a nursery rhyme coming into my head as I am about to write about my trip to the parlour yesterday. And just like the invitation of the spider is lucrative yet cunning, so is the trip to a beauty parlour!
After the renovation work at home, I noticed that my skin needed pampering. And Saturday was a Bank holiday too! Thanks to Dr Ambedkar!
So I rushed where men fear to tread- the Ladies Beauty Parlour!
'Tis the only place where you can shed your clothes and get into a skimpy slip/ towel and announce 'I am ready' without shame!
'Tis the only place where a woman feels pampered and can be her natural self away from men's prying eyes! Though women themselves can get inquisitive about other women's underclothes, which is very funny!
You feel like a queen inside a parlour as 2-3 people attend to you all at once! One is attending to your legs, one your hands and one- your face! But then as the swish-swash begins with wax being applied and removed without emotion, then you want to scream but have to keep your moans limited to small whispers and chokes! Worst is when hand and leg waxing is being done at once by two people, that time you don't know which pain you are reacting to!
You feel most relaxed during a facial massage though! But just when you're feeling good and about to fall asleep, you are woken up with mini slaps on your shouders and back! Then you're subjected to steam, after which your nose and chin are pricked in the name of 'blackheads'! You half choke as someone holds our nose and gets working on the pores there! Grr! When that's done, you look and feel like a mess with a wet face-pack on you! As you are trying to see whats happening around you, two wet cotton pads come on your eyes and you go blind! Then you're left alone as the pack dries with no clue of wats happening around you! It seems a long time as you lie there clueless till your face-pack/mask dries and someone comes at last to rescue you and wash it off!
Best feeling is during a manicure and pedicure. But all parlours aren't good at it. You need a really good parlour to really pamper your palms and feet.
Threading is another thing which takes your breath away! It is as harsh as waxing! But thread you must to get your eyebrows in shape! You're asked to hold from here, there stretching your facial skin so that the beautician gets a grip of your eyebrow hair before she pulls it off! You twitch but the thought of looking beautiful keeps you sane!
Finally 2-3 hours later, you're done! Whatta relief! You pay the big bucks and get out feeling and looking great till your next trip! It feels worth the torture and pain!
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