Hmm... Finally my own space! Away from prying eyes!
Created this separate blog because I wanted to be myself. A true Gemini. A geminian is not one but several people at a time. And my Blog - MY JOURNEY - Showed the serious, sensible and philosophical side of me.
I had many things to speak of like a girl- which I felt restricted from on my blog: http://myjourney-shagufta.blogspot.com/ . I felt trapped there in one mould, hence this new blog!
Through GIRLIE GUPSHUP, I hope to celebrate the girl in me!
Of course, Life is Tough and everything, but why let that affect you ? I am a cockroach and I can survive.... Like a lizard grows back it's cut tail, life is about growing out of your tensions and being yourself! Its about smiling and being a little girlie.
Kudos to Shagufta, the self-psychiatrist who treats her own failures to emerge a winner inspite of pains!
Pic courtesy : www.escapefromcubiclenation.com
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